Congratulations to the 2017 Summer 18+ League Champions – Phillies
Mike Marlow, Chris Baker, Mark Douglas, Michael Stewart, Cameron Edman, Justin Marlow, Cole Earley, Jordan Summers, Tyler Hauschild, Ron Mackie, Chris Dempsey, David Hauschild, Mike Hauschild, Briant Taylor, Aaron Vaughn, Clint Healey, Tim Bartini, James Paul. Not pictured Sean Belknap and Dylan Steen.
Also, congratulations to the second place Astros for an outstanding season final record 15-5-1
Mike LaFranchise, Nick LaFranchise, Jay Ploharz, Joseph Ploharz, Jeff Beaty, Cameron Casedy, Thomas Kestell, Cyris Canfield, Royfel Granda, Juan Garcia, Kasey Sargent, Jared Smith, Ian Josquin, AT Hurtado
Great job this season to all teams. Up next is Fall Ball.
See you on the field.