Due to fields being booked by HS Legion or being shut down for season, we will have to stay with original plan.
Gm 1: 11:00am #5Yankees vs. #4Nationals(H) West Valley HS
Gm 2: 1:00pm Winner Gm 1 vs. #1Rockies(H) West Valley HS
Gm 3: 1:00pm #3Orioles vs. #2Reds(H) Brett James Field
Gm 4: 3:45pm Loser gm 2 vs. Loser gm 3 Brett James 3rd place game
Gm 5: 3:45pm Winner gm 2 vs. Winner gm 3 West Valley HS Championship Game
Higher seed has option to be home team.
Traveling teams need to get between fields within reasonable time.
Game time is set and teams need to have a minimum of 8 players at scheduled game time or will have to forfeit.
To be eligible to play in playoffs a player must have competed in a minimum of 3 games during league play.
All games are 7 inning and will maintain 2 hour 10 minute time limit, no new inning and 2 hour 30 minute drop dead. Ties will revert back to previous inning score if necessary.